In 2024, I posted fewer photos than in previous years. I carried my camera with me more often, but I didn’t always use it with purpose. I thought that I “should” be taking photos, which led to many halfhearted shots that didn’t turn out well. These vastly outnumbered the good ones, leaving me dissatisfied with most of my library and feeling like I had little worth sharing.
I finally sat down and culled to just the ones I like. They aren’t all post-worthy, but many are “almost great”. These don’t bother me - they inspire and motivate me to go back out and improve. With a higher concentration of photos I love, my library gives me pride and joy instead of anxiety and doubt. In fact, narrowing down to just 10 favorites was difficult.
In 2025, I want to prioritize intentionality. Carrying a camera is just half the equation; I need to use it with purpose. If I’m not feeling creative or have competing priorities, it’s ok not to use it. Forced pictures are not necessarily good pictures.