Zak Kolar Photography

Zak Kolar Photography

Sunrise at Marginal Way

Sunrise walk at Marginal Way in Ogunquit, ME. Shot on Fujifilm X-T30

I’ve lived in New England almost ten years and hadn’t been to Maine until today. After twelve days of clouds, the sunrise was worth waking up in the dark and braving the cold. I was sleepy, couldn’t feel my face, and still felt more energized than I have in weeks.

Sunrise over a rocky coastline with waves crashing against the rocks and a warm orange sky.

Seascape at sunrise with waves crashing against rocky shoreline, pebbly beach in foreground, and large waterfront buildings in the distance under a pink-hued sky.

Seagull flying over the sea at sunrise with rocks in the foreground and the sun low on the horizon.

Seascape view through tree branches with waves crashing against rocks.