Zak Kolar Photography

Zak Kolar Photography

Easton’s Beach

Stormy morning walk along Easton’s Beach in Newport, RI. Shot on Fujifilm X-T30

A lifeguard tower labeled “MAIN 4 TOWER” on a beach with a sign next to it indicating “DANGER UNGUARDED WATERFRONT” and a board describing beach warning flags indicating various hazards. The ocean and overcast

A wooden slat fence with rusty wire along a coastal area with wild vegetation and a blurry lifeguard tower in the background.

A lifeguard tower with the number 5 and warning signs about an unguarded waterfront and rip currents on a sandy beach with the ocean in the background on an overcast day.

Coin-operated viewing binoculars on a railing overlooking a beach with a lifeguard tower in the distance on an overcast day.

A lifeguard chair with a number “8” stands beyond a grassy sand dune on a cloudy day, with a warning sign indicating no lifeguard on duty.

A white lifeguard tower, numbered 8, stands on a sandy beach under an overcast sky.